Get Started


Great! You'd like to get started designing and building your first application powered by a large language model. Here's a collection of how-to guides and examples to get you started.

Building Applications with Large Language Models

Step by Step Guide

LLM Application Development


LangChain is a fantastic library to help you get started in building solutions around large language models. Here are some entry points.

Introduction to LangChain

Building Applications with LangChain

Building Applications with LangChain

Building Applications with LangChain

RAG with LangChain

Building Agents in LangChain


AutoGen is best in class for multi-agent communication, coordination, and cooperation, and is especially useful for multi-agent systems.

Introduction to AutoGen

Mastering AutoGen

Natural Language to SQL with Spider

Automated Agent Building with AgentBuilder

Agent Optimizer


Crew AI is a collaborative working system designed to enable various artificial intelligence agents to work together as a team, efficiently accomplishing complex tasks.

Crew.AI Tutorial

Crew.AI Crash Course

Crew.AI Stock Analysis Example