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Have a question about machine learning or artificial intelligence? Here are some answers to common questions.

Why learn more about AI?

Studying AI is incredibly valuable because it empowers us to create smart systems that can handle tasks, make better decisions, and solve complex problems, ultimately making our lives easier and fostering innovation in countless ways.

What is the difference between machine learning and AI?

Machine Learning is the study of systems that learn from past data to make predictions, often referred to as predictive modeling. Predictive modeling, a key aspect of ML, involves creating models from data to forecast new data outcomes. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a broader field of computer science focused on developing intelligent systems, encompassing aspects like learning, memory, and goals, with ML being a subfield of AI.

How much machine learning will you cover?

We aspire to cover a broad range of topics in machine learning and artificial intelligence. That said, it's a large and fast-moving field, and our ability to produce new content is limited, so we'll focus our resources on the areas that we believe will be of most value to our readers and community. We will certainly cover topics in statistics and machine learning, as well as in AI.

What level of experience do you focus on?

We aim to meet you wherever you are on your journey, and include foundational resources through to topics on advanced topics. We won't cover the basics of computer science and programming, and we'll primarily focus on developers who are looking to learn more about, and build solutions that leverage, AI.

Why is it called The Neural Nexus?

Neural refers to neurons, both as artificial neural networks that are trained through backpropagation, but also to our human, biological neural networks. A nexus is a bond or a link between members of a group. We envison The Neural Nexus to be a hub to connect people, ideas, and research on artificial intelligence.

Why did you create this website?

We live in a very exciting time, and we believe there is enormous positive potential for AI, and want to help realize that potential to benefit humanity. I'm passionate about AI and have had the opportunity to work in this field for some time, and learn a great deal from the process. I want to share what I've learned so far, and create a new way to engage with the larger AI community that will continue to advance my own learning.